Real assault rifles:
Implicate m16 -> assault rifle
m4_carbine -> assault rifle
ak-74 -> assault rifle
ak-47 -> assault rifle
steyr aug -> assault rifle
stg44 -> assault rifle
fn f2000 -> assault rifle
aks-74u -> assault rifle (Note: This is listed as a "short assault rifle" but its often called a sub-machine gun as well. I'm not sure if this definition is in error).
howa type 89 -> assault rifle
imi galil -> assault rifle
g36 -> assault rifle
an-94 -> assault rifle
famas -> assault rifle
fn fnc -> assault rifle
bushmaster acr -> assault rifle
tar 21 -> assault rifle
qbz-95 -> assault rifle
as val -> assault rifle
ak-102 -> assault rifle
ak-107 -> assault rifle
sig 550 -> assault rifle
sig 551 -> assault rifle
l85 -> assault rifle
Real battle rifles:
implicate m14 -> battle rifle
fn fal -> battle rifle
g3 -> battle rifle
fg42 -> battle rifle
howa type 64 -> battle rifle
ar 10 -> battle_rifle
m1 garand -> battle rifle
Fictional assault rifles:
implicate ma5 -> assault rifle
Fictional battle rifles:
implicate br55 -> battle rifle
Reason: All of these weapons are assault rifles or battle rifles.
implicate battle rifle -> rifle
Reason: The battle rifle is a type of rifle and it is consistent since assault rifle implicates rifle.
Real Grenade Launchers:
implicate denel paw-20 -> grenade_launcher
Reason: Its a type of grenade launcher.
Real Rocket Launchers:
implicate fim-92 stinger -> rocket launcher
strela-2 -> rocket launcher
at4 -> rocket launcher
Reason: These are all rocket launchers.
Fictional rocket launchers:
implicate m19 -> multishot rocket launcher
Reason: I will list this as a multishot rocket launcher since it has a magazine size of two and two barrels. Also its from Halo.
Real handguns: (Note: implicate all to handgun and pistol)
implicate m1911 -> handgun
desert eagle -> handgun
beretta 92 -> handgun
beretta 93r -> handgun
beretta model 70 -> handgun
beretta px4 -> handgun
five_seven_(gun)-> [[handgun (NOTE: can you move and alias five_seven_(gun) -> [[fn_five_seven)
tokarev tt-33 -> handgun (NOTE: Can you alias tt-33 -> tokarev tt-33)
pm makarov -> handgun
browning high-power -> handgun
luger p08 -> handgun
mauser c96 -> handgun
derringer -> handgun
springfield xd -> handgun
glock -> handgun
vp70 -> handgun (NOTE: move and alias to h&k vp70).
usp tactical -> handgun
cz-75 -> handgun
jericho_(pistol)-> [[handgun (NOTE: move and alias to IMI Jericho)
walther p99 -> handgun
walther p5 -> handgun
walther p38 -> handgun
walther PPK -> handgun
p9s -> handgun (NOTE: move and alias to h&k p9s)
Reason: These are all handguns.
Real revolvers (Note: Implicate all to handgun):
implicate S&W 500 -> revolver
webley -> revolver
Colt single action army -> revolver (NOTE: move and alias to colt saa as this is the common shortening.
Reason: These are all revolvers.
Real sniper rifles:
implicate psg-1 -> sniper rifle
ai_arctic_warfare -> sniper_rifle and bolt_action
dragunov SVD -> sniper rifle
l96 -> sniper rifle
m24 -> sniper rifle
VSS Vintorez -> sniper rifle
cheytac m200 -> sniper rifle (Note: move and alias to cheytac intervention as this is the common name.
m-21 -> sniper rifle
walther wa-2000 -> sniper rifle
Reason: These are all sniper rifles.
Real anti-material rifles:
implicate barret -> anti-material rifle
m107 -> anti-material rifle
m82a1 -> anti-material rifle
ptrd-41 -> anti-material rifle
Reason: These are all anti-material rifles.
Real shotguns:
aa-12 -> shotgun
Winchester Model 1897 -> shotgun (NOTE: alias trench gun to this weapon since that is its shorter nickname).
Mossberg 500 -> shotgun
spas-12 -> shotgun
sawed-off shotgun -> shotgun
Reason: These are all shotguns.
Fictional anti-material rifles:
Reason: Halo anti-material rifle.
Real submachine guns:
implicate beretta m12 -> submachine gun
mp5 -> submachine gun (NOTE: move and alias to h&k mp5)
mp5k -> submachine gun (NOTE: move and alias to h&k mp5k)
mp7 -> submachine gun (NOTE: move and alias to h&k mp7)
steyr tmp -> submachine gun
mac-10 -> submachine gun
magpul pdr -> submachine gun
ump -> submachine gun (NOTE: move and alias to h&k ump)
pp-19 bizon -> submachine gun
ppsh-41 -> submachine gun
tdi_vector -> submachine gun
tommy_gun -> submachine gun
uzi -> submachine gun (NOTE: To keep it consistent with other guns, could it be moved and aliased to imi uzi)?
magpul fmg 9 -> submachine gun
type_100 -> submachine gun
mp40 -> submachine gun
sterling smg -> submachine gun
calico smg -> submachine gun
skorpion vz. 61 -> submachine gun
m3 submachine gun -> submachine gun (NOTE: move and alias to m3 greasegun since that is its common used name).
reason: These are all submachine guns
Fictional submachine guns:
m7 -> submachine gun
Reason: Halo submachine gun.
Bolt action rifles:
implicate arisaka -> bolt action
mosin-nagant -> bolt action
l96 -> bolt action
mauser 98 -> bolt action
cheytac m200 -> bolt action
Reason: These are all bolt actions.
Tag implication idea:
Reason: This is a distinctive configuration that has the magazine at the back, rather than the front, of the weapon.
List of bullpup weapons:
steyr aug
tar 21
calico smg
fn f2000
magpul pdr
walther wa-2000
Implicate these all to bullpup.
The reason I don't like bullpup rifle is that not all bullpup designs are rifles.
This is a lot, but I’m going to tackle other things at a different time.
Note: I request move and alias for some since some have rather lengthy descriptions that I don't want to lose with an alias.
implicate m392_marksman -> battle rifle and bullpup
ma5 -> bullpup
br55 -> bullpup
m6 -> handgun
alias missile launcher -> rocket launcher
reason: Both refer to the same thing and the latter is more widely used.