
Danbooru 2 upgrade on Feb 16, 2013

Posted under General

Currently having a bit of problem translating materials:

1. Some of the old coding no longer work, mainly the <font size color> coding.
2. For some reason, my user id while translating suddenly changed to a user named Neflheim before reverting back. Don't know if it's a bug or not.

More to come if I find more stuff.

I have a tiny request to make.

Keyboard based browsers and plugins such as Pentadactyl (for Firefox) provide shortcuts for moving to the next or previous page of a website. They achieve this by increasing or decreasing the very last number they can locate in the URL.

A typical search URL currently looks like this:
It would be great if the default order of arguments could be changed to help navigate more easily.
The above URL would look like this instead:
One could then quickly move to the next page with Ctrl-a, or the previous one with Ctrl-x (or any other shortcuts they have).

Thank you for all the hard work.

Searching for user:reese rating:s returns no results. Is this intentional?

I think you need to use uploader:reese rating:s now. Not sure why it was changed from "user:".

For priv and above, deleted posts should have their associated images continue to appear. That's before the upgrade. Not anymore. For those who are wondering, check your deleted posts.

What do you mean by this? Deleted posts should be visible to you. Can you point to an example?

I for one cannot view any status:deleted posts. It just says "This image was deleted."

Edit: Also, quotes should say "User said:" at the beginning like they used to. It looks strange like this.

I'm going to have echo the statements of others.

Why did we have to change the UI so much, as it seems utterly random and seems to 'fix' what wasn't 'broken' in the first place.

Bring back Classic Layout!

If you can be more specific I will try to bring back what I can. It may just be a case of me overlooking something.

+100 (FWIW) to the new discreet pool membership list in the post pages. The huge, stacked pool banners that trumpeted DISGUSTING ASS!!! PERFECTLY ADORABLE!!! and so on were the single most annoying thing about Danbooru 1. The only flaw I can see in the new pool membership list is that the navigation buttons are tiny and easy to miss.

The separation of tag categories also seems like a good idea to me. Much clearer than having to look up some help page to find out what the tag colors mean. However, since the separation is also using up significant screen space, an option that brings back the old-style tag list (possibly with the special tags at the top, like on the Sankaku booru) would be nice for experienced users.

I must admit to not like the new Danbooru. Seems a bit more buggy, shows less posts per page and I can't view deleted posts anymore with my account.
Now if I got to choose, I'd go back to the old Dan. :/

The next two weeks are going to be rough. The code is new and the testing phase wasn't rigorous.

That being said, I still use this site. After working out the bugs, if I find a new feature gets in my way, I will revert to the old behavior. I expect the new upload queue will cause a lot of heartache, and it may never get to a point where it's as seamless as the old behavior. If after a month it's still shitty, I will revert it.

I'm going to have echo the statements of others.

Why did we have to change the UI so much, as it seems utterly random and seems to 'fix' what wasn't 'broken' in the first place.

Bring back Classic Layout!

If you can be more specific I will try to bring back what I can. It may just be a case of me overlooking something.

I think what is meant is that we (well at least many) will just want to go back to Danbooru as it was before the move to Danbooru 2. I too would prefer Danbooru as it was before the weekend.

I must admit to not like the new Danbooru. Seems a bit more buggy, shows less posts per page and I can't view deleted posts anymore with my account.
Now if I got to choose, I'd go back to the old Dan. :/

The next two weeks are going to be rough. The code is new and the testing phase wasn't rigorous.

That being said, I still use this site. After working out the bugs, if I find a new feature gets in my way, I will revert to the old behavior. I expect the new upload queue will cause a lot of heartache, and it may never get to a point where it's as seamless as the old behavior. If after a month it's still shitty, I will revert it.

Well, sounds okay to me. I do think many more people will be complaining. I'll try to survive with how it is now though.

*After a nights sleep* Damn it got cold last night...

The pagination is back for the posts, nice.

We realize the desire to update certain aspects of the site. Some aspects are welcome, some not so much (I do miss being able to use the list of Uploaded Tags to make quick fixes to images).

The "Share" options for images, forgive my ignorance but what is it for?

*Update* SO this version is a test run? *does the dance of joy *.

One little issue I've noticed is there's no way to easily open up the image itself unless it's been resized so you get the "View Original" link.

This poses a bit of an issue on iOS browsers if you want to open just the image in a new tab since it won't allow you the option from the image itself. Previously I think the image size field was a link and you could use that to open it in a new tab, but now there's no way to do it unless the View Original link is there.

So yeah, some way of having the link to the image itself somewhere on the page, either from the image size field or elsewhere would be awesome.

Currently having a bit of problem translating materials:

1. Some of the old coding no longer work, mainly the <font size color> coding.
2. For some reason, my user id while translating suddenly changed to a user named Neflheim before reverting back. Don't know if it's a bug or not.

More to come if I find more stuff.

Doesn't work anymore too

also, I found another post that doesn't load no matter how many refreshes.

post #1362054

why is it that the moment I post ^ that edit the post becomes loadable? I guess it's a bug or something

I guess I'll come back in a couple weeks and see if this airliner we can land between the 5th image and the right hand side of the screen and the biplane we can plant between the user name and the post on the forums are fixed because these just break usability for me.

Also I hate how the mod queue is now mobile friendly. A mobile site should have been a dedicated domain with it's own usability tweaks rather than shitting all over the usability of everyone simultaneously. Pagination and giant approve/hide links help what, two people? out of 50 or so? I said these were dumb back when this was beta and they haven't gotten less dumb in the meantime.

I have a tiny request to make.

Keyboard based browsers and plugins such as Pentadactyl (for Firefox) provide shortcuts for moving to the next or previous page of a website. They achieve this by increasing or decreasing the very last number they can locate in the URL.

This really should be fixed by adding rel=“next” and rel=“prev” attributes to the relevant links. That's the proper solution and works for Opera too. Looking at the URL and guessing is a horrible hack...

So the fix would be for Albert to simply add these two link attributes. to the <head>, i.e. it should be

<link href="/posts?page=1" rel="prev">
<link href="/posts?page=3" rel="next">

[edit] Fixed, it needs to be <link> not <a> tags.

For priv and above, deleted posts should have their associated images continue to appear. That's before the upgrade. Not anymore. For those who are wondering, check your deleted posts.

What do you mean by this? Deleted posts should be visible to you. Can you point to an example?

I am pretty sure he meant deleted uplaods. Before 2.0 we could still view them and now the page appears to be blank.

Bullet points don't seem to work in DText anymore. Like so:

  • Bullet 1
  • Bullet 2
  • Bullet 3

The "Share" options for images, forgive my ignorance but what is it for?

It's for sharing on Facebook and Twitter and such.

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