
Tagging in-universe events and scenes

Posted under Tags

I was trying to find a way to tag artworks of events that happen in the story of a series, for example battles or particular moments.
We currently have scene reference, whose wiki says that it should be used for when a scene is recreated with different characters (so basically something like here's johnny!), and doesn't include actual depictions of scenes.
We also have pool #13629, which is a result from turning the canon tag into a pool. It was mentioned in forum #140466 and then decided to be turned into a pool on discord without much of a discussion.
There is also in-universe location, although this covers locations more than actual scenes.

I believe that pool #13629 should be turned back into a tag, because a reference to an in-universe event is objective, but I wanted to ask for the opinion of others before making the BUR.

I’m a little mixed on this. IMO, borrowed character should be a metatag because it involves one artist drawing another artist’s original character, which would have absolutely no context without the tag. On the other hand, a canon event in a series involves a legitimate scene that has actual context behind it, which by my understanding would fit more as a gentag because it’s something that can be seen if the user takes time to peruse the original media. Then again, not everyone will have the time to watch/play everything out there. I certainly can’t, so while I’m familiar with certain canon events, I would be totally clueless about events in series I’ve never seen before. Doubly so if there are spoilers involved, since that is inherently a type of canon event/character as well.

So yeah… I think borrowed_character should at least be a metatag. I’m ambivalent about what some canon_event or in-universe_event or whatever tag is created should be. It can be seen, but it also needs to be understood.


Unbreakable said:

Borrowed character being meta has been suggested twice already but no luck yet.

Really? The way I see it, I would have absolutely no clue that an original character that I'm looking at was actually borrowed from someone else.

Username_Hidden said:

By that reasoning, wouldn't tags based on meta knowledge such as meme attire be meta tags too?

Meme attire is a type of meme that can be easily seen as just an article of clothing that's gotten popular. The attire may have a small backstory behind, but it's not like a major scene or event that needs some context behind it before it can be understood.

Forgot to add, there is also parody. The wiki states that the tag is for depicting a scene in a humorous manner.

Parodies can cover a huge range of topics, not just a scene. Parodies could include a namesake, a pun, a costume (post #1946594, post #1553937), an art style, irony, portmanteau, some sort of shared trait (trait connection, weapon connection, etc.) and perhaps much more that I can't think of ATM. The problem is that some parodies are visual jokes, while others have to be understood to get the humor.

Like I said, I'm not pushing for one or the other when it comes to canon events. If the debate over metatags is this messy, then treating it as a gentag would be the safer alternative. From what I understand, Danbooru's policy is to "tag what you see", so if an official scene/moment/event is being visualized in an image, then who cares if not everyone understands it?